
22 books, 19 videos, 11 podcasts and 5 years research

We’re a sharing economy platform, built on our own ideals and values, so it’s natural that we share what we’ve been up to, info about the interesting people we’ve met along the way and learnings that have been coming out of the AnyGood? engine room.

So, here’s our January share…

22 books, 19 videos, 11 podcasts and 5 years research … aka Employee Referrals

Over the Christmas break we set about consolidating our knowledge of two sided marketplaces, platforms and referrals to not only refine our own approach to engagement, but also to create a model that could be utilised for employee referrals. Over the last five years, we’ve gained significant experience in this one subject and we’re now excited to be able to offer both a quick assessment tool to provide feedback of the health of your referral programme, plus a model for transforming it. Since sharing the concept at #TruBySea it has already been proven to increase engagement and the best thing is, there’s no reliance on software.

If you’d like more info, do get in touch and I’ll reply personally.

IR35 – Removing the risks and burden from clients and contractors

Once the election results came through in December it became more likely than ever that the IR35 ruling due to take effect in April would still go ahead. Many organisations have taken a blanket approach of deeming all contractors as inside IR35 and asking them to make a decision between employment or finding a role elsewhere. So often these resources are involved in key programmes and although the risk from a tax perspective might be minimised, the risk to programme delivery and as a result business outcomes is likely to be significant.

We know that it can be a significant task to assess contractors, even on an individual basis. Often the skills to do this are not within the organisation, or not within the department who originally hired the contractors. Then if it’s not done correctly, the business carries a significant risk. We get it. That’s why we’ve joined together with partner organisations to provide a Fee Payer Service.

This gives clients the ability to use a specialist service to assesses the employment status of a contractor, manage payments and identify recommended contractors for roles. This includes legal oversight, supply chain insurance and ongoing assessment. In interviews contractors are now talking to clients about this service to give them an alternate option. If you’d like to understand more, get in touch and we can talk it through.

Centre For Data Ethics and Innovation

This may be an organisation you’re unfamiliar with, however they are producing some fascinating reports on topics that are likely to be of interest. As a result of my blog post for the CBI and AnyGood? being used as a case study for ethical innovation in recruitment, I’ve been in touch with them about their research and have found their findings fascinating.

In short, the CDEI are tasked by the Government to connect policymakers, industry, civil society, and the public to develop the right governance regime for data-driven technologies. They aim to promote the trust that’s crucial for the UK to make the most of AI and technology. As part of this they are looking at algorithmic bias and recruitment, alongside other interesting sectors such as local government and policing and topics such as deepfakes, AI and insurance and smart speakers.

As there is no “supplier bias” in these reports, they are an excellent source of information for where we are currently and considerations for the future.

Connections to share…

I’m always meeting interesting people with interesting businesses, so I thought I’d start to share the details with those who may find them of value.


Astriid is a charity that bridges the gap between businesses and skilled professionals who have long term health issues. Astriid’s mission is to help people with long term, chronic illness find meaningful work.

They believe that value of work is far more than the wages that are paid. Work provides normality, routine, challenges and rewards and help gives their members a positive mental attitude. Astriid helps bridge the gap between the Invisible Talent Pool (i.e. the cadre of people who have long term chronic illness but who still wish to use their skills and experience in work) and the UK skills crisis. Do check them out – the team and platform are firmly in my list to recommend.


Being a completely remote team, I’m a big fan of quiet spaces with a plug socket and caffeine. Recently I was lucky enough to bump into the founder of WeCoffee at one of their venues. We both loved the serendipity of the meeting and as they are another sharing economy platform I thought I’d share their information with you (and a discount code!).

With WeCoffee you can work from London’s best cafes, hotels & coworking spaces with. It’s free to book or upgrade to get up to 50% off food & drink, meeting rooms and day passes for premium members.

Try premium with 3 months for free when you choose “The Hustler” plan and apply our exclusive promo code ANYGOOD at checkout.

And finally…

We didn’t want the risk of being bored in February so we’re currently reviewing the services provided for redundancy support. Specifically looking at whether there’s value in effectively reversing employee referrals in this situation and recommending employees for roles outside of the company. If you have an interest in this subject, as always, get in touch!